

    ®¥¶P¥[®³¤j¦WµP¤j¾Ç ( University of Toronto ) ¦h­Û¦h¤j¾Ç ( ¥þ²y±Æ¦W20 ) Àu§÷¥Í Cheryl K.T. ¦ÒÀò Honours Bachelor of Science¤@¯ÅºaÅAµ¥¯Å²¦·~¡C


    Cheryl ¬O¡u±sÂå°ó¥VÂήL¯ó¤fªA²G¡vªºªø´Á¥Î®a¡A¥H¤U¬O¦oªº¥Î®a¤ßÁn¡ACheryl ¹ï¡u±sÂå°ó¥VÂήL¯ó¤fªA²G¡vªº¥\®Ä¤Q¤ÀÆg½à¡A¤×¨ä¬O´£¤É±Mª`¤O¡B°O¾Ð¤O¡B§Ü¯h³Ò¤Î¾ãÅé§ïµ½Åé½è¡C¯S§O¾A¦X»Ý­nÀ³¥I¦Ò¸Õ¤Îªø´Á¥Î¸£ªºªB¤Í¡C

    Product review by Cheryl K.T.  2015

    I am a Master¡¦s student in Translational Research, Faculty of Medicine in the University of Toronto. I have been using Cordyceps Tonic as an essential daily supplement for three years now, and I cannot stress how amazing and authentic this product is! Being in a top world university means that I always have to try my best to ensure academic excellence. This often requires working late hours and under stress, which in turn result in less than desirable sleeping patterns and reduction in overall performance. I was introduced to Cordyceps Tonic by my mother, who is also a long-term user of the product. To my surprise, I noticed significant benefits even after a week of usage. Not only did the product increase my attention span, but more importantly it reduced my feelings of both physical and mental fatigue. Despite occasional lack of sleep due to schoolwork, this product provided me with a general boost of energy, and enhanced my efficiency in completing tasks. After continuous usage for 1 month, I experienced the even broader spectrum of advantages of this product. It notably improved my memory, ability to focus and clarity of thought. The results are evident in my outstanding performance in my years of study in the university. In addition to graduating with High Distinction last summer (equivalent to First Class Honors in Hong Kong), I was also accepted into and given scholarship to continue my postgraduate studies in one of the most challenging programs of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto. I will continue to use Cordyceps Tonic, and will strongly recommend this product to people, and especially students, who experience constant stress and insomnia. This product is definitely an authentic supplement that can enhance your health, maximize your potential and improve your quality of life! 



               Product review by Cheryl K.T.       09/2014

    I am a 4th year undergraduate student at the University of Toronto. Due to the heavy workload at school, I tend to sleep at 2 or 3 am every night. I therefore constantly lack sleep and am always stressed out about my academic performance. It was then when my mother introduced me to this Cordyceps Tonic. From her experience, this product has greatly helped to improve her sleeping patterns. After taking the product on a daily basis for a week, I was already able to tell a difference in my attention span. Despite the lack of sleep due to schoolwork, I still felt much energized every morning, and was able to work much more efficiently throughout the day. Moreover, this Cordyceps Tonic has notably enhanced my memory.


    The advantageous effects of this product are evidenced by the apparent improvement in my academic results - I was able to attain an annual GPA of 3.92/4.00 for the past year that I have taken this product daily. Thus, not only has this product alleviated my stress levels during the school year, but it has also allowed me to excel in my academic performance. I will definitely continue using this Cordyceps Tonic, and will recommend this product to people, especially students, who are experiencing constant pressure and insomnia. This product actually helps!

       MM  03/2012  


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